Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First day of practice shows amazing promise!

Dear members,

I cannot be more pleased with the group of kids we have this year, many of which are beginners, but already are showing a passion for the sport and for the Vipers! I saw a sea of determined kids having fun, which is a great note to kick off a season.

I also saw all of the dedicated parents on the sideline in support of their children - we know that without your support, these kids would not be out there, and we thank you for your commitment to their participation.

I just want to remind everyone that even though practice has started, it is not too late for new registrants. In especially the junior division (5, 6 grade), we could use more numbers to provide us depth, so please spread the word that the Viera/Suntree Lacrosse Vipers are excited to accept new players, and again, beginners are welcome. We have enough coaches to get them up to speed, so please let other parents and kids know.

Lastly, for the kids who are not yet equipped with sticks and other mandatory gear, I ask that you do your best to get them outfitted ASAP. With games looming only a few weeks away, we will be getting into more contact oriented drills and game situations where equipment is a must for participation.

I thank you all again for joining the Vipers! Strike fast, strike hard, strike often...VIPERS!

Roger Welton
Club President

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Plan for Inclement Weather Wednesday, Feb 2, 2011 Practice

Dear Members,

Please be advised that there is a 40% chance of rain tomorrow, which may interfere with our planned first practice. For current information as to practice status, please call my cell phone number at (631) 974-2774 after 3 PM for our latest status.

In the event that practice needs to be postponed, a make up practice will be scheduled for Saturday Feb 5, 2011 from 10AM-11AM. Thanks for your attention.

Roger Welton
Club President

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Finish Line: first practice starts Wednesday, February 2, 2011!

Dear current and prospective members,

Our first season as an independent club operating 100% in the best interests of our own community's youth lacrosse program is just days away. Board members and other fellow coaches who have dedicated their time and efforts to hold monthly free instructional clinics, put up signs, distribute fliers, and battle the county rec system for full representation at our community's only youth sports park (Viera Regional Park), are poised to finally enjoy the fruits of our labor. Moving forward, there are some important facts I would like to make you all aware of for this upcoming spring season.

First off, we have lost the benefit of padding our numbers with youth lacrosse players from Merrit Island, as we had the luxury of when we were part of BLA. Merrit Island has also formed their own independent youth lacrosse club. Having lost more players to Holy Trinity's middle school lacrosse program has not helped. As such, it is important that you get your children registered and equipped ASAP if you have not already done so, as well as help us to spread the word and attract as many new players as possible. It is not too late, and beginners are not only welcome, but encouraged! We will be starting from scratch on day one, as if no single child has ever even picked up a lacrosse stick. I assure you, no one will be left behind. In order to be able to field competitive teams this year able to withstand unforeseen player illness, injury, or time away from games due to personal matters, we need your help to spread the word that youth lacrosse in Viera/Suntree/Melbourne/Rockledge has arrived.

The next issue is our coaching arrangement. Out of necessity, I will be the head coach for both the senior and junior divisions, with Coaches Ernie Cruz and Fred Romney assisting. Mike Saunders will be coaching the lightning division. While I am thrilled with the experience and dedication of the men we currently have to teach and guide our kids through their learning of the greatest game on two feet, we could use more help. We are accepting new coaches and no experience is required, only registration as a coach and US Lacrosse, as well as NCSI background check. Prospective coaches can register at our website at:

Finally, our lengthy petition to the Brevard County Division of Parks and Recreation has not been fruitless, but is currently in a state of bureaucratic frustration. Despite having submitted our required application and paperwork and done our due diligence, the advisory board rescheduled our December 20, 2010 hearing to February 21, 2011, a date already well into our season. Due to this unfortunate circumstance, Brevard Parks and Recreation has shut us out of Viera Regional Park for yet another spring season in favor of other sports not technically spring season sports, namely soccer and flag football. Despite our board's protests about field usage at Viera Regional Park not operating in the spirit of fairness with lacrosee not being allowed to be represented in its community's park, our protests fell on deaf ears, even at the level of Commissioner Mary Bolin's office.

I assure you, the battle may be lost, but the war rages on, and the board and I will attend our rescheduled hearing, as well as not rest until the Viera/Suntree Lacrosse Club is playing at Viera Regional Park. On your end, you can help us as tax paying citizens that deserve to have their children play their favorite sport in its community's park, by making your voices heard. You may contact Greg Minor of the Department of Parks and Recreation at:

Greg Minor
South Area Parks Operations
1515 Sarno Road B-2, Melbourne, FL 32935

You may also contact commissioner Mary Bolin's office at:

Commissioner Mary Bolin
2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way
Building C, Viera, Fl 32940

Whether you make yourselves heard by letter or telephone call, the more noise you make, the more success the board and I will have in ending this unjust stonewalling of our efforts to have lacrosse represented at Viera Regional Park once and for all.

For this season, we are once again forced to accept our consolation prize of Rockledge Park, 960 Cogswell Street, Rockledge. We have played there for the past 2 seasons and at least have a place for our kids to play that has well maintained grass, large field space, and a good sized parking lot. We are grateful to have place to play, but will continue to fight to have our right to play at Viera Regional Park recognized.

The first practice is set for Wednesday, February 2, 2011 at Rockledge Park, from 5:30-6:30. All three divisions will be practicing Mondays and Wednesdays 5:30-6:30, with our first competitive Florida Lacrosse Association 9FLA) game tentatively set for Saturday, February 26, 2011, with the season running through late April/early May. Board members and I will be attending an upcoming FLA meeting on February 6, 2011 after which we should have a more conclusive schedule to present to you.

We are very excited about our first season as an independent club, 100% in control of the destiny of our community's youth lacrosse program, with only our best interests at heart in all our decision making. I thank you all very much for your patience during this transition and for your and your childrens' participation. Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to e-mail me any time at:

Otherwise, see you Wednesday!


Roger L Welton, DVM
President, Viera/Suntree Lacrosse Club

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Urgent Registration Reminder!

Dear Members,

With many of last year's participants still not registered for this upcoming season, I just want to remind all of you that practice is set to start earlier than last season, on or about February 1, 2011, just 2 1/2 weeks from now! As such, I would advise you have your child registered as soon as possible, as well as make certain that he/she is fully equipped with all required gear as, with games set to start February 26, 2011, we will be practicing in full gear right from the first day of practice.

You can register your child for $70 at:

After January 31, 2011, registrations will be $80, another good reason to take advantage timely registration. Regarding equipment, starter packages are available online, or you may purchase from our current local supplier, Brevard Team Sports ( For your convenience, our board has researched online packages and found some seemingly well priced packages here:

To avoid your child being left without equipment due to shipment issues or backorders, taking care of equipment purchase ASAP is essential.

Thank you for your attention.

Roger Welton
President Viera/Suntree Lacrosse Club

Upcoming clinic update: change of location.


Please be advised that this Saturday's, 1-15-2011, clinic will be held at Spyglass Park, NOT Viera Regional Park, due to a scheduling conflict. The clinic will be run at the same previously posted time from 9AM-11AM.

Again, we urge all prospective participants to attend as possible to attend to get a jump on the new season, as well as spread the word to have other children try out lacrosse with little to no commitment. Your spreading the word to attract more participants is invaluable to ensure that our team numbers have the depth to be as competitive as possible this upcoming season. Basic requirements are the same for all previous clinics, which include a stick, mouthpiece, and current US Lacrosse membership. As always, we hope to see as many familiar and new faces as possible!

Thank you for your attention and dedication as always!

Roger Welton
Viera/Suntree Lacrosse Club President

Friday, January 7, 2011

Inexpensive helmet purchase opportunity.

Hello members,

Al Dolente just informed me that the Merrit Island Lacrosse Club has just decided to go black with their helmets, meaning that several of his players will be selling their current white helmets at very reasonable prices for the sake of getting rid of them. Since white is the color helmet that we use, it may be a good opportunity for our members to obtain a cheap helmet for their children.

As far as Al informed me, there are about 12 available for sale, but he did not elaborate on the available sizes. He did, however, give me the go ahead to post his e-mail address should any of you be interested about inquiring:

Hope this can help a few of you. Thanks and good luck!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Viera/Suntree Lacrosse Club News Alert!

Please be advised that our league, the Florida Lacrosse Association (FLA), has tentatively set the 2011 spring season games to begin February 26, 2011. In light of this decision, to best prepare our players for competitive play, our aim is to start practices in the first week of February, with an exact date, time, and location to be announced shortly. As such, we strongly suggest getting your child registered ASAP at, as well as making certain that your child has the full complement of required equipment. Starter packages are available online, or you may purchase from our current local supplier, Brevard Team Sports ( For your convenience, our board has researched online packages and found some seemingly well priced packages here:

We will be holding our last free instructional clinic before the start of the 2011 spring season on Saturday, January 15, 2011 at 9AM-11AM at Viera Regional Park. We urge as many as possible to attend to get a jump on the new season, as well as spread the word to have other children try out lacrosse with little to no commitment. Basic requirements are the same for all previous clinics, which include a stick, mouthpiece, and current US Lacrosse membership. As always, we hope to see as many familiar and new faces as possible!