Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First day of practice shows amazing promise!

Dear members,

I cannot be more pleased with the group of kids we have this year, many of which are beginners, but already are showing a passion for the sport and for the Vipers! I saw a sea of determined kids having fun, which is a great note to kick off a season.

I also saw all of the dedicated parents on the sideline in support of their children - we know that without your support, these kids would not be out there, and we thank you for your commitment to their participation.

I just want to remind everyone that even though practice has started, it is not too late for new registrants. In especially the junior division (5, 6 grade), we could use more numbers to provide us depth, so please spread the word that the Viera/Suntree Lacrosse Vipers are excited to accept new players, and again, beginners are welcome. We have enough coaches to get them up to speed, so please let other parents and kids know.

Lastly, for the kids who are not yet equipped with sticks and other mandatory gear, I ask that you do your best to get them outfitted ASAP. With games looming only a few weeks away, we will be getting into more contact oriented drills and game situations where equipment is a must for participation.

I thank you all again for joining the Vipers! Strike fast, strike hard, strike often...VIPERS!

Roger Welton
Club President

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